How to Make Litmus Paper with Turmeric

How to Make Litmus Paper with Turmeric

Litmus paper is a simple yet effective tool used to test the acidity or basicity of a substance. While commercially available litmus paper is widely used in laboratories, it can be just as easily made at home using natural ingredients. One of the most fascinating alternatives is turmeric, a spice commonly found in many households. Turmeric has natural properties that allow it to act as a pH indicator, making it perfect for creating homemade litmus paper. This article will walk you through a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to make litmus paper with turmeric, helping you test different substances in a fun and educational way.

Materials Needed

Before we dive into the steps, let’s list the materials you will need to create your own turmeric litmus paper.

  • Turmeric powder: Easily available at any grocery store.
  • White filter paper or blotting paper: This will serve as the base for your litmus paper.
  • Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol): This helps to extract the curcumin, the active pH-sensitive component in turmeric.
  • Paintbrush or dropper: For applying the turmeric-alcohol mixture to the paper.
  • Scissors: To cut the paper into strips after the mixture has been applied and dried.
  • Gloves: To prevent staining your hands during the process.
  • Small bowl: To mix the turmeric and alcohol.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Turmeric Litmus Paper

Step 1: Prepare the Turmeric Solution

The first step in creating your turmeric litmus paper is to prepare the turmeric solution. In a small bowl, mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder with rubbing alcohol. Add just enough alcohol to create a smooth paste, ensuring that the turmeric is fully dissolved and evenly mixed. Stir the solution thoroughly until you achieve a consistent mixture.

Pro tip: Rubbing alcohol is used because it helps dissolve the curcumin, the yellow pigment in turmeric, which is responsible for the color change when exposed to different pH levels. You could also use water, but alcohol provides better results.

Step 2: Apply the Turmeric Solution to the Paper

Once your turmeric solution is ready, use a paintbrush or a dropper to apply it evenly to the surface of the filter paper or blotting paper. Make sure to cover the entire sheet to avoid any blank spots. The goal here is to thoroughly soak the paper with the turmeric mixture.

If you are using a paintbrush, try to brush in one direction to prevent clumping or uneven application. If using a dropper, spread the solution as evenly as possible using a small amount at a time.

Step 3: Dry the Paper

Allow the turmeric-soaked paper to dry completely. This can be done by placing the paper in a well-ventilated area or leaving it in the sun for quicker drying. Make sure the paper is fully dry before proceeding to the next step, as any remaining moisture can interfere with the testing process.

Step 4: Cut the Paper into Strips

Once the paper has dried, use scissors to cut it into small strips, roughly 1–2 cm in width and 5–7 cm in length. These strips will serve as your turmeric litmus paper. Cutting the strips carefully will ensure that you have uniform and functional litmus paper for multiple uses.

Step 5: Testing the pH of Different Substances

Your turmeric litmus paper is now ready to be used! To test a substance’s pH, dip one end of the turmeric paper strip into the substance. Observe the color change. In general:

  • If the paper turns red or orange, the substance is acidic.
  • If the paper stays yellow, the substance is neutral or basic.

Turmeric responds most distinctly to basic (alkaline) substances, showing a reddish-brown or orange color when exposed to a base. For example, common household items like baking soda will turn the turmeric litmus paper a reddish-brown color, while lemon juice or vinegar, which are acidic, will not cause much change in the paper’s color.

Step 6: Record and Interpret Results

Once you’ve observed the color change, you can record the results. Since turmeric acts as a natural pH indicator, you’ll be able to determine whether a substance is acidic or basic based on the observed color. This is a fantastic educational activity to explore the world of chemistry with children or to use for simple DIY pH testing at home.

Why Use Turmeric for Litmus Paper?

There are several benefits to using turmeric as a natural indicator for litmus paper:

  • Readily Available: Turmeric is easy to find in any kitchen or store.
  • Non-Toxic: Unlike synthetic pH indicators, turmeric is a natural and safe alternative.
  • Educational Value: This project is an excellent way to learn about acid-base reactions and to explore the properties of turmeric in a scientific context.
  • Cost-Effective: Making your own litmus paper using turmeric is inexpensive compared to purchasing commercial litmus paper.

Uses for Turmeric Litmus Paper

Turmeric litmus paper can be used in a variety of settings, including:

  • Educational Demonstrations: Teachers can use this method to teach students about pH indicators and acid-base reactions.
  • Household Testing: You can test the acidity or alkalinity of household substances such as cleaning products, fruit juices, or baking ingredients.
  • Gardening: Test the pH of soil or water to understand the growing conditions for certain plants.

Limitations of Turmeric Litmus Paper

While turmeric-based litmus paper is a fun and educational alternative, it does have its limitations:

  • Narrow Range: Turmeric responds primarily to basic (alkaline) substances, and its color change is not as sensitive or distinct as that of commercial litmus paper.
  • Color Confusion: The color change can sometimes be subtle, making it harder to distinguish between neutral and mildly acidic substances.
  • Storage: Turmeric litmus paper may fade over time, especially if exposed to sunlight or moisture, so it’s best used shortly after being made.


Creating your own litmus paper with turmeric is a simple, cost-effective, and educational way to explore the chemistry of acids and bases. Not only does it offer a fun project for kids and adults alike, but it also provides a practical solution for basic pH testing at home. With minimal materials and easy steps, anyone can make turmeric litmus paper and enjoy learning about the science of pH indicators.

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